Boxing is a great way to exercise and lose weight. It also improves cardiovascular health, builds muscle, and burns calories. Want to start boxing an ab workout but don’t have the time or money for a gym membership?
No problem! In this blog post, we will discuss how you can do ab workout routine exercises at home by using your own body weight as resistance. The best part is that these ab boxing workouts are designed for beginners so anyone can do it!
What are the benefits of having strong abdominal muscles?
Having strong abdominal muscles is very important because it helps with your everyday activities.
Strong ab muscles help you to maintain proper posture, which can prevent back pain and injuries. It will also improve your appearance by giving the body a better shape. Strong abs can also help you with sports as well as other activities.
Why are abs good for boxing?
Having strong abdominal muscles can also help you with boxing.
Boxing requires a lot of movement and punching power, so having strong abs will improve your punches as well as the blocking technique.
It is important to have good core strength because it helps stabilize the body during impact. A weak core may result in injuries or low performance during fights. A strong core in boxing can help you defend against punches and reduce the chance of being knocked out.

Sit-ups are a popular exercise for strengthening abdominal muscles.
A sit-up is an exercise that involves curling up to about 45 degrees while lying on your back on the floor, keeping your legs straight with your feet off of the ground.
The sit-up requires strength throughout the entire core region including abs and lower back.
Sit-ups are one of the most effective exercises that strengthen this muscle group along with side bends which work oblique abdominals (sides). It also strengthens hip flexors by bringing your knees towards the chest as you sit up.
But cannot bring it beyond a 90-degree angle because leg muscles become involved only after the knee reaches at least a 90-degree angle or greater from the torso line. The range of motion will depend upon how flexible you are in your hips area.
What are sit-ups good for?
Having strong abdominal muscles is very important because it helps with your everyday activities.
Strong ab muscles help you to maintain proper posture, which can prevent back pain and injuries.
It will also improve your appearance by giving the body a better shape. Strong abs can also help you with sports as well as other activities.
Are sit-ups bad for you?
Many people wonder if sit-ups are bad for you.
The answer is that it depends on how often and how hard you train your abdominals as well as the kind of diet plan.
Some experts claim that doing too many repetitions can be harmful to back muscles, so they recommend doing only about six reps per set with a maximum number of three sets.
Even if this problem is caused by weak back muscles, you should also pay attention to your form and do not try to lift too much weight or go beyond that 45-degree angle where it becomes very difficult, most people cannot even go up that high without having their feet leave the ground. This way you can avoid injury and get the most out of your workout.
In conclusion, doing sit-ups is not bad for you unless done incorrectly or too frequently. They are a great way to strengthen your core muscles which can help prevent injuries as well as look better!
However, it is always recommended that you consult with a doctor before starting any new exercise routine.
Do sit-ups burn belly fat?
We have already discussed the benefits of having strong abdominal muscles and why it is important to do ab exercises.
One question that a lot of people ask is whether or not sit-ups help you lose belly fat. The answer is yes! Sit-ups are great for sculpting your abs, but also they will burn calories as well as help you lose belly fat.
It is important to remember, however, that it will not be easy and there are no quick fixes for losing weight.
It’s also recommended that if you want fast weight loss results, then do your ab workouts in combination with a healthy eating plan like a low carb diet.
You also need to keep in mind that doing sit-ups will help you lose belly fat, but not necessarily burn it off completely so don’t expect the same results as from cardio exercises such as running or biking.
In conclusion, sit-ups are an excellent way of strengthening your abs and burning calories which can ultimately lead to a decrease in belly fat.
How to do a sit up?
- To do a sit up, lie with your back on the floor and bend your knees so that they are touching or almost touching.
- Place your feet completely flat on the ground shoulder width apart.
- Bring shoulders off of the floor by contracting abdominal muscles as you exhale.
- Keep going until you feel a good contraction in the abdominals for maximum benefit to the waistline.

The V-Up exercise is another variation of sit-ups, they’re a great way to strengthen your lower abs while also working the upper part of the core.
It strengthens hip flexors which are vital for boxing, but it can be hard because legs must stay straight throughout the whole movement and you cannot allow them to touch the ground or let knees reach too high without having to bend them back down again.
This will make your quads work harder as well making this one very effective ab workout routine exercises at home!
The v up requires strength in the entire abdominal area including obliques (sides). It takes time getting used to the new muscle groups that get worked with each repetition so do not give up if you feel like quitting after a few reps.
How to do the V-up?
- Lie flat on your back with your legs stretched out straight.
- Bring your arms over head and slightly curl down towards the floor, but only as far as you can without having to bend knees or bring them close to ground.
- After curling up, try bringing both feet together so they are almost touching each other while still being stretched out.
- Repeat until you have completed the necessary number of reps, but do not go overboard! This is a great ab workout to try at home.

Crunches are another great ab exercise. They also work the abs and lower back, but not as much as sit-ups do because you don’t need to raise your torso off of the floor for this one.
However, it is still very important that when doing crunches you keep proper form otherwise injuries can occur which could put a hold on your whole workout routine!
Traditional Crunches
It’s great for strengthening abs, but also they are very effective at reducing body fat around the waistline.
It is recommended that you avoid doing crunches more than three times a week because it can lead to strains and other injuries if done too often without proper recovery time.
How to do traditional crunches?
- To do this exercise correctly lie flat on your back with knees bent or straight
- Place hands behind head while elbows stay out wide away from ears throughout movement. Keep your neck relaxed as well!
- For maximum abdominal contractions keep the torso lifted off ground during the entire movement by contracting abdominals only, don’t lift hips up towards ceiling!
- Repeat until necessary reps have been completed, always remembering not to go overboard since injuries can occur!
- This is a great exercise to do at home for beginners or advanced people who want to strengthen their abs. Plus it’s fun and helped me get that flat stomach I’ve always wanted!
Bicycle Crunches
Bicycle crunches are great for working the lower abs.
I remember doing these all the time in school gym class! They’re easy to do and they can be done anywhere which makes them awesome ab exercises at home or on vacation when you don’t have access to gym equipment or a workout routine, but want to stay fit while still having fun!
How to do bicycle crunches?
- Lie flat on your back with hands behind head keeping elbows out wide away from ears throughout movement. Keep your neck relaxed as well! This is very important because if not then this exercise will hurt your neck muscles making it more difficult than necessary so just keep that in mind please!!!
- Legs should be straight up sky bent at 90 degree angle so your legs and torso form a “L” shape.
- Twist upper body bringing right elbow towards left knee as you contract abs to lift hips off of floor for one rep, then do opposite and twist back down again lifting up other leg!
- Keep alternating sides while keeping feet together the whole time making sure not to let them touch ground throughout movement because this is what will make it work those lower abs better than any ab exercise out there!
Reverse Crunches
Reverse crunches are great for the lower abs and hip flexors.
They work your abdominals as well but not quite like traditional crunches do because they don’t require you to raise your torso off of the ground at all during movement!
It is recommended that these be done about three times a week or whenever it feels right for you, just make sure that if anything hurts then stop doing them immediately so injuries don’t occur which could put an end to your whole workout routine!
How to do reverse crunches?
- To do this exercise correctly lie flat on your back with arms spread out wide palms laying against the floor.
- Legs should be straight up sky bent at 90 degree angle so they form a “L” shape just like bicycle crunches work great for!
- Keep legs together the whole time without letting them touch ground throughout movement which is what will work those lower abs better than any ab exercise out there!
- Contract abdominals only to lift your hips off of the floor and bring legs towards chest while keeping arms laying against ground palms facing each other throughout movement. Repeat until reps have been completed.
Oblique V-up Crunches
Oblique v-ups are great oblique exercises that work those muscles on the sides of your stomach.
It is recommended that these be done about three times a week or whenever it feels right for you, just make sure that if anything hurts then stop doing them immediately so injuries don’t occur which could put an end to your whole workout routine!
How to do oblique v-up crunches?
- To do this exercise correctly lie flat on your back with hands behind head and knees bent resting against the floor. Keep legs together at all times during movement because this will help target those side abs a lot.
- Lift hips off of ground while bringing left knee towards chest as you contract abdominals only and bring right elbow towards left knee. Make sure to keep both shoulders off of the ground throughout movement!
- Repeat until reps have been completed on one side before switching sides and repeating the process again!
Toe-Touch Crunches
Toe-touch crunches are great ab exercises that work those lower abs on your stomach.
They’re easy to do and they can be done anywhere which makes them awesome ab exercises at home or on vacation when you don’t have access to gym equipment or a workout routine, but want to stay fit while still having fun!
How to do toe-touch crunches?
- Lie down and put your hands out in front of you like a table.
- Then raise both legs straight up so that they are perpendicular to the ground with an “L” shape, next bring one leg towards your body at shoulder height making sure not touch anything but keep them close enough for stability as well if possible without causing strain on any joints or muscles;
- Then reach forward while still keeping balance by crunching from lower back toward chest using only those shoulder blades touching firm carpet/ground surface (so no elbows).
Ankle Tap Crunches
Ankle tap or toe taps are great ab exercises that work the lower abdominals.
They’re easy to do and they can be done anywhere which makes them awesome ab exercises at home or on vacation when you don’t have access to gym equipment or a workout routine, but want to stay fit while still having fun!
How to do ankle tap crunches?
- Lie on your back with your knees bent and make sure your feet are flat.
- Place hands at sides, palms facing up as you lift shoulders off the floor about 6 inches (15 cm).
- Reach for the ankle closest to this side while leaning slightly in that direction; repeat alternating moves until finished!
Flutter Kicks
Flutter kicks are a great ab exercise that works the lower abs in particular.
They’re easy to do and they can be done anywhere which makes them awesome ab exercises at home or on vacation when you don’t have access to gym equipment or a workout routine, but want to stay fit while still having fun!
How to do flutter kicks?
- First lie on your back then extend your legs up to a 45-degree angle. Keep them sticking straight while you lift head, neck (slightly) off the ground so that the body forms an extended “v” with arms parallel to the floor.
- Palms facing down for stability in this position – it’s important not only to keep the lower half of the torso stationary but also engage core muscles!
- When in that position alternate your left and then your right leg.
Lying Leg Raises
This exercise is easy to do and it can be done anywhere which makes them awesome ab exercises at home or on vacation when you don’t have access to gym equipment or a workout routine, but want to stay fit while still having fun!
How to do a lying leg raise?
- Lie flat on back and put your hands behind head
- Bring both legs up towards the ceiling one after another till the point of “90-degree” angle is reached before slowly lowering down again.
- Make sure you’re not touching anything else other than feet/legs because this could cause strain if too much weight is being applied so it’s always wise to begin gradually until familiarized with proper form for each movement.

A plank is a great isometric ab exercise that works the entire abdominal muscles.
It’s easy to do and it can be done anywhere which makes them awesome ab exercises at home.
How to do a plank?
- Get into a pushup position with hands directly under shoulders/chest then support your weight by digging elbows straight back behind you so core muscles are being engaged.
- Feet should also be spread apart evenly from each other for stability in this position as well. Keep your body tight throughout movement – no sagging hips/lower back!
- Proceed pushing up until the upper torso comes parallel with the floor without raising heels.
Side plank
When you’re in a side plank, your body is positioned so that one leg lies on top of the opposite arm and shoulders. This is how it works: The oblique muscles along both sides are used to create stability for this position because their job will be partially supporting weight while being forced into an unnatural angle with gravity-the most extreme version possible.
How to do a side plank?
- Lie on your right side with legs stacked, knees bent up toward ceiling then prop upper body using that elbow directly under shoulder/close to ribs for support of position while other hand reaches down beyond hip level (stomach muscles engage).
- Both feet should be touching each other during this movement as well. Now extend the left arm straight out from the ear – make sure it’s parallel with the floor!
- Main thing here is not letting hips sag or rotate throughout the entire duration of each rep because if too much pressure becomes applied in one direction by mistake you could cause strain on lower back so always proceed gradually.
How long should a beginner hold a plank?
Hold a plank for as long as possible. Your goal should be to eventually hold it until failure which means you can’t hold it any longer!
When first starting out – holding the pose for only 15 seconds is reasonable and over time increase that length by adding additional five-second intervals each week until 90-second holds become manageable.
Do planks burn belly fat?
Yes, a plank is one of the best exercises to do in order to get a flat belly. While doing this exercise you will burn the fat around your stomach and into oblique muscles which are responsible for giving shape to your waistline.
Russian Twists

Russian twists are always underestimated because this exercise is not as popular but it’s definitely one of the best abs exercises.
It targets your oblique muscles and gives you a flat belly with a toned waistline! This movement works on building strength in the shoulders, back, hips which also helps to improve balance too.
How to do russian twists?
- Sit on the floor with legs extended. Bend knees and keep feet together, heels lifted off of the ground about an inch or so to engage abdominal muscles even more than usual.
- Now lean back slightly until your body is at a 45-degree angle then proceed rotating your torso from side to side while keeping your shoulders straight/arms extended in front of you.
- Main thing here is to not let the feet touch the floor during movement because that could cause strain on the lower back so always proceed gradually until familiarized with proper form for each motion.
Chopping Wood

Chopping wood is a great workout routine either at home or the gym that will help you burn belly fat and get a flat stomach.
It works on your abs as well as your lower back to give it firmness and tightness because this movement requires whole-body strength!
How to chop wood safely?
- Stand with feet shoulder-width apart then bend knees slightly while lowering hips down into squat position.
- Now hold one leg out in front of you at a diagonal angle, knee pointing towards floor and other hand placed on thigh for support throughout movement.
- While holding this pose, proceed chopping wood by simultaneously straightening your body up to standing position while swinging your leg out and in front.
What does the wood chop exercise work?
The wood chop is one of the best exercises to build your whole body strength and it works on every muscle in your core. This movement will increase the strength of muscles in the shoulders, back, hips which also helps you improve balance because this workout routine contains many twists and turns.
Why do boxers chop wood?
Boxers chop wood to increase strength in shoulders, back, and hips. This movement is one of the best workouts for building whole-body strength while also working on core muscles!
One other benefit boxers get from this exercise is improved balance because it contains many twists and turns which are great for stability training too.
What are the alternatives to chopping wood?
If you feel that chopping wood might be too risky then you can do the sledgehammer exercise instead. This movement is great for building upper body strength and increasing the length of muscles in the shoulders, back hips.
Another alternative to chopping wood is sledgehammer swings on a tire which work on your core and increase whole-body power! Try these moves if you want to build a strong physique without heavy lifting because this workout routine requires minimal equipment.
Ab Wheel Rollout

The ab wheel roll-out is a great exercise to tighten your stomach muscles and get a flat tummy.
This movement works on every muscle in your midsection so you will be able to tighten your waistline, increase the strength of the lower back which also helps to strengthen your core muscles.
How to do the ab wheel rollout?
- Start by sitting on the floor with legs extended in front of you and hands placed shoulder width apart.
- Now bend knees slightly while lifting hips off the ground then proceed rolling forward with extended arms straight out in front of your head.
- Go back to the starting position by rolling with extended arms towards your torso while keeping legs bent with feet off the ground and hips lifted.
- Repeat this motion for the desired number of repetitions!
No matter your fitness level, you can get stronger abs. The key is to be consistent and focus on the technique of each exercise. If you’re not sure where to start, try these seven ab exercises for beginners! Share this post with friends or family who are also trying to build their core strength today.
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