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The Best Dumbbell Workout For Boxing

Boxing is a great workout for anyone looking to improve their strength, endurance, and agility. And while there are many different ways to train for boxing, using dumbbells is a great way to take your training to a new level.

There are a few things to keep in mind when using dumbbells for your boxing workout. First, you want to make sure that the weight of the dumbbells is appropriate for your fitness level. If you’re just starting out, it’s best to start with lighter weights and gradually increase the amount of weight as you get stronger.

Second, you’ll want to focus on exercises that target the muscles used in boxing. These include exercises for the arms, shoulders, chest, back, and legs. Later on, you’ll find out more about these exercises in this boxing dumbbell workout.

What happens when you exercise with dumbbells?

When you lift weights with dumbbells, you’re working your muscles against gravity. This resistance helps build strength and muscle mass. As your muscles grow stronger, they’ll be better able to handle the demands of boxing or any other activity you enjoy.

In addition to building strength, dumbbells can help tone your muscles, making them more defined. When you’re using dumbbells, you’re also working your stabilizing muscles. These are the smaller muscles in your body that help you maintain balance and control your movements.

Do boxers use dumbbells?

Dumbbells are an essential part of any boxer’s workout routine. Boxers will often use dumbbells of different weights depending on the stage of their training. For example, lighter dumbbells may be used during warm-ups or for cardiovascular exercises, while heavier dumbbells are used for strength training and muscle development.

Are dumbbells good for boxers?

A lot of people think that the only way to get in shape for boxing is to run long distances and do a lot of roadwork. While running is great for cardiovascular conditioning, it’s not the best way to build the muscle endurance and punching power that you need for boxing. That’s where dumbbells come in.

In order to be a successful boxer, you need to have strong and powerful punches. This can be achieved by lifting weights with dumbbells. By working out with dumbbells, you will be able to increase the strength and power behind your punches.

Dumbbells are an excellent tool for conditioning exercises that mimic the motions of throwing punches and moving around the ring. They help build muscular endurance so you can keep throwing punches long after your opponents have thrown in the towel.

And because they add resistance to your punches, they also help increase your punching power. If you’re serious about becoming a better boxer, make sure to incorporate dumbbells into your workout routine.

RELATED: How To Strengthen Your Punches With This Boxing Arm Workout

What muscles help you punch harder?

The power behind a punch primarily comes from the lower body. When you throw a punch, your legs transfer energy up your body and into your fist. That’s why boxers have strong legs they need the power to generate punches with enough force to knock out their opponent.

Apart from your legs, the rest of the power you generate is from the upper body and there are several muscles involved such as the pectorals, the deltoids, the triceps, and the biceps. When you throw a punch, your torso rotates and this movement is a result of contracting the muscles in your back.

What weights should you start with?

When you are starting a weightlifting routine, the question of what weights you should start with is an important one. The answer, unfortunately, is not a simple one. It depends on a number of factors, including your fitness level, your goals, and your overall strength.

If you are new to lifting weights, it is probably best to start with lighter weights and work your way up. This will help you avoid injury and allow you to get used to the movements. Once you have a good understanding of the exercises and form, you can start increasing the weight.

Your fitness level and goals will also affect what weights you should start with. If you are trying to build muscle mass and muscle strength, you will need to lift heavier weights than someone who is trying to build endurance in their muscles.

Dumbbell Workout Tips

  • This workout includes some plyometrics and it’s recommended to do the plyometric exercises after the warm-up to avoid muscle soreness and fatigue, so that can do the exercises optimally.
  • Start with light weights and gradually increase the amount of weight you lift as you get stronger.
  • Focus on form and technique rather than how much weight you can lift.

Warm Up

These are exercises that will help prepare your body for the workout and prevent potential injuries:

  • Jump Rope
  • Standing Hip Rotations
  • Side Lunges
  • Standing Side Bends
  • Arm Circles
  • Neck Tilts
  • Neck Flexion
  • Chest Expansion

Dumbbell Depth Jump

The depth jump is also an important exercise for developing proper mechanics. When done correctly, it teaches your body how to generate maximum force upon impact. This is a key movement pattern that needs to be trained in order to optimize your boxing performance.

A properly executed dumbbell depth jump will help to increase the power of your punches. When you land from the jump, your muscles are forced to work harder to control the weight of the dumbbells. This extra effort results in greater explosive power, improved punching power, and footwork movement.


  • First, have two boxes that are 20-60cm in height, and position one box at least 1 meter apart.
  • To do a depth jump, start by standing on top of a box or platform with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Step off the box and land on both feet, absorbing the impact with your knees bent.
  • Immediately jump onto the box second box.
  • Repeat for 8-10 reps.

Dumbbell Box Jump

Dumbbell box jumps build lower body strength and power. When you land from the jump, you have to decelerate your entire body weight quickly and then explosively jump back up again. This helps develop the muscles and tendons in your legs so that they can better handle the impact of landing punches. It also helps improve your ability to generate power quickly, which is important for throwing fast, powerful punches.


  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand at arm’s length. This will be your starting position.
  • Keeping your core engaged, bend your knees and explosively jump onto the box, driving through your heels.
  • Land softly on the box with both feet firmly planted. Step down one foot at a time, returning to your starting position.
  • Repeat for 8-10 reps.

Dumbbell Squat Jump

Dumbbell squat jumps workouts the leg muscles and they’re an amazing way to improve lower-body power and explosiveness. When done correctly, they can also help improve your balance and coordination.


  • Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground, then explosively jump up as high as you can.
  • As you land, immediately squat back down into the starting position.
  • Repeat for 8-10 reps.

Single Leg Hops With Dumbbells

There are a few key reasons why single leg hops with dumbbells are an important part of a boxer’s workout routine. First, this exercise helps to build explosive power in the legs, which is essential for throwing fast, powerful punches.

Additionally, single leg hops help improve balance and coordination, both of which are important for staying light on your feet and avoiding getting hit by your opponent. Finally, this exercise also helps develop the muscles in the legs and hips that are used for generating power in punches.


  • Start by standing on one leg with a dumbbell in each hand by the side of your waist.
  • Keep your core engaged, hop and land on the same leg.
  • Repeat for 8-20 reps before switching legs.

Shadow Boxing With Dumbbells

A good workout routine should always incorporate some form of shadow boxing. It is a great way to get your heart rate up and improve your footwork. When you add dumbbells to the mix, you can also work on your upper body strength. Here are some benefits of shadow boxing with dumbbells:

  • It is a full-body workout that will tone your muscles and help you burn fat.
  • It improves your coordination and reflexes.
  • It is a great stress reliever.

Here is a simple shadow boxing routine that you can do with dumbbells:

  • Start by standing in a boxing stance with your feet positioned correctly.
  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder level, with your palms facing down.
  • Throwing punches, alternate between jabs, uppercuts, hooks and crosses while keeping your core tight and maintaining good form.

Dumbbell Front Shoulder Press

The dumbbell front shoulder press is one of the best exercises for boxing. It targets the front deltoid muscle, which is responsible for the punching motion in boxing. The benefits of this exercise include increased improved shoulder stability.


  • To perform the dumbbell front shoulder press, start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Raise the dumbbells to shoulder level with your palms facing your head.
  • From here, extend your arms and press the dumbbells overhead.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat for 8-10 reps.

Dumbbell Front Raises

Front raises exercise works the muscles in your shoulders, chest and arms, which are all key muscles used in boxing. By performing this exercise regularly, you will see an improvement in shoulder strength.


  • Start by standing tall with a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing your thighs.
  • Raise the dumbbells straight out in front of you to shoulder height, keeping your elbows slightly bent and your core engaged.
  • Slowly lower the dumbbells back down to starting position and repeat for 8-10 reps.

Side Lateral Raises: explain the muscles used for this exercise, bullet point instructions

Among the many benefits of dumbbell workout, one very important benefit is the development of powerful side deltoid muscles. The side deltoid raises the arm laterally to the side and is responsible for the side, or lateral, flexion of the upper arm.


  • Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the dumbbell in your left and right hand by your side.
  • From here, raise the dumbbell straight out to your side until it is level with your shoulder.
  • Pause for a moment at the top of the movement and then lower back down slowly under control.

Dumbbell Incline Row

An incline dumbbell row is a great exercise for targeting the muscles in the back and shoulders. This exercise can be performed with a variety of grips.


  • In order to perform a dumbbell incline row, you will need a weight bench set to an incline. You will also need a dumbbell for each hand.
  • Begin by sitting with your chest on the bench with your feet planted firmly on the ground.
  • Place the dumbbells in front of you. With your palms facing your thighs, bend forward at the waist and grasp the dumbbells.
  • Pull the dumbbells up to your chest, maintaining control throughout the entire movement.
  • Be sure to keep your back straight and avoid swinging the weights.
  • Lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position and repeat for 8-12 repetitions.

Straight Arm Dumbbell Pull Back

The exercise involves holding a dumbbell in each hand and extending your arms out in front of you. Then, without bending your elbows, you simply pull the dumbbells back towards your body.


  • You can perform this exercise standing while leaning forward but it is more effective on a weight bench.
  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand and extend your arms out in front of you.
  • Without bending your elbows, slowly pull the dumbbells back towards your body.

Dumbbell W Raise

The Dumbbell W Raise is an exercise that works the muscles in the back and shoulders.


  • To do the Dumbbell W Raise, start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and lean forward with your knees slightly bent. Hold the dumbbells in your hands with your palms facing each other.
  • Raise your left arm up so that the dumbbell is at shoulder level.
  • From here, raise your arm up and out to the side so that it forms a “W” shape with your body.
  • Lower the dumbbell back down to shoulder level and repeat for 8-10 reps.

Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions

This exercise works your triceps muscles, which are located on the back of your upper arms. These muscles are responsible for extending your elbow joint, and they’re key for throwing a punch.


  • Start by lying on your back on a flat bench holding a pair of dumbbells on your chest with your palms facing each other.
  • Lift the dumbbells until they’re fully extended.
  • Lower the dumbbells back to the original position.
  • Repeat for 8-10 reps.

Dumbbell Bicep Curl

The dumbbell bicep curl is a great exercise for boxers because it helps to build up strength in their arms. This exercise works the biceps muscles, which are responsible for moving the arms up and down.


  • To do this exercise, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing your sides.
  • Twist your hands as you bend your elbows and curl the weights up to your biceps.
  • Keeping your upper arms stationary, exhale as you curl the weights and squeeze your biceps at the top of the movement. Slowly lower the weights back to the starting position and repeat for 8-12 repetitions.

Dumbbell Hammer Curl

The dumbbell hammer curl is a different variation of the bicep curl. This exercise is great for boxing because it helps to build strength and mass in the bicep brachii.


  • Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Keep your palms facing your sides and your elbows close to your body.
  • Curl the dumbbells up to shoulder level, making sure to keep your palms facing your sides throughout the movement.
  • Slowly lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position.
  • Repeat for 8-10 reps.

Dumbbell Press

The Dumbbell Press is one of the best exercises for boxing because it targets the chest muscles, which are one of the important muscles for generating power in punches. The dumbbell press is also a good exercise for developing shoulder strength, both of which are important for throwing effective punches.


  • To perform the Dumbbell Press, start by lying on your back on a flat bench with a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Then, press the dumbbells straight up above your chest and pause for a moment at the top of the lift before lowering them back down to your starting position.

Dragon Thrust

Dragon thrust is an advanced core exercise that targets the rectus abdominis, obliques, and erector spinae. This exercise is important for boxers because a strong core is essential for throwing punches and protecting the body from opponents punches.


  • Start by lying on your back on a flat surface and use both of your feet to hold a dumbbell.
  • Raise your legs and hips so that your body forms a 45-degree angle from head to toe.
  • Bend your knees and bring your legs towards your hips, while keeping your abs engaged the whole time.
  • Then bring your legs out until they’re straight, that’s one rep.

Dumbbell Twisting Toe Tap

Dumbbell twisting toe taps are a great exercise for targeting the muscles in your hip flexors. This move also works your core, as you have to twist your torso to reach the dumbbells. This is an important exercise for boxers, as it helps build explosive power in the abs.


  • Start in a seated position on a flat surface with your feet wide apart and have a dumbbell in your hands.
  • Twist your torso to the right, then twist back to the center and lift your left leg.
  • Reach your left leg with your hands until it almost touches the toes.
  • Twist your torso to the left, then twist back to the center and lift your right leg.
  • Reach your right leg with your hands until it almost touches the toes.

Overhead Dumbbell Crunch On Swiss Ball

An overhead dumbbell crunch on a swiss ball specifically targets the rectus abdominis, which is the muscle group that gives you that six-pack look. It is important to have strong abdominal muscles when boxing because they help to stabilize your body.


  • Position a Swiss ball at the center of a flat surface.
  • Lie down with your back resting on the ball, and your feet flat on the ground.
  • Grab a dumbbell in your hand and extend your arms overhead.
  • Crunch up, bringing the dumbbell above your head while your arms are extended.
  • Pause for a count of two, then slowly lower back to the starting position.
  • Repeat for 8-10 reps.

Dumbbell Squat

The quads, hamstrings, and glutes, which are essential for generating power in punches are the muscles used for this exercise. The dumbbell squat also forces the core muscles to work hard to stabilize the body, and the arms are used to balance the weight of the dumbbells. This makes the dumbbell squat a great full-body workout that will help improve your power.


  • To do a dumbbell squat, start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Lower yourself down into a squatting position, keeping your back straight and your knees over your toes.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat.

Single Leg Deadlift With Dumbbell

The single-leg deadlift with a dumbbell is a superb exercise for the hamstrings and glutes. The hamstring is important because it helps to extend the hip, as well as flex the knee. The gluteus maximus is important because it is a primary muscle of the hip extensors.


  • Start by standing on one leg with a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Slowly bend at the knee and hip, lowering the weights toward the floor.
  • Keep your back straight and core engaged throughout the movement.
  • Once the weights are close to the floor, reverse the motion and return to the starting position.
  • Repeat for 8-10 reps before switching sides.

Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat

This exercise is important for a number of reasons. First, it helps to improve your balance and stability. This is important because when you are boxing, you need to be able to maintain your balance and stability in order to deliver powerful punches.

Second, the dumbbell bulgarian split squat also helps to improve your leg strength and power. This is important because when you are punching, you need to generate a lot of power from your legs in order to deliver a powerful punch.


  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand at arm’s length by your sides.
  • Rest the top of your left foot on a bench or box behind you and stand tall, keeping your chest up and shoulders back. This is your starting position.
  • Keeping your core engaged, lower your body until your right thigh is parallel to the floor and your right knee is bent at about 90 degrees.
  • Pause, then press through your right heel to return to the starting position.
  • Complete all your reps on one side before switching legs.


When it comes to working out, it is important to give your body time to recover between sessions. This is what is known as a cooldown. Cooldowns are important because they help your body to repair any damage that has been done during your workout and prepare for the next one.

Without a proper cooldown, you risk injuring yourself or developing problems such as muscle imbalances. A good cooldown will help you to avoid these issues and make sure that you are always ready to train at your best.

There are many different ways to cool down after a workout, but some of the most effective methods include light stretching, foam rolling, and spending time in a sauna or steam room. Taking some time for yourself to relax and recover is an important part of any fitness routine.

It’s important to have a good cooldown routine that includes some upper and lower body stretches, here is a list of stretches that you should do after this workout:

Upper Body

  • Neck Stretch
  • Chest Stretch
  • Shoulder Stretch
  • Triceps Stretch
  • Biceps Stretch
  • Ab Stretch
  • Back Stretch
  • Hip Stretch

Lower Body

  • Quad Stretch
  • Hamstring Stretch
  • Groin Stretch
  • Calf Stretch


If you’re looking to add some boxing-specific training to your regimen, this is the workout for you. It uses only dumbbell exercises to help improve your muscle strength, mass and power.

The workout consists of three parts: a warm-up, a workout and a cool-down. The workout features 20+ exercises that focus on the upper and lower body. If you’re advanced athlete then you can do this boxing workout with resistance bands combined with dumbbells.

Doing this workout three times a week will help you see results in no time. And, if you stick with it, you’ll be able to take your boxing game to the next level. Get started today and you’ll see the amazing results for yourself!