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Boost Your Metabolism With A Full Body Bootcamp Workout

full body bootcamp workout

Are you tired of the same old gym routine and looking for a new challenge? Look no further than a full body bootcamp workout. This high-intensity workout is designed to target every muscle group in your body, providing a total body transformation.

With a mix of strength training, cardio, and functional movements, a full body bootcamp will push you to your limits and help you achieve your fitness goals.

Whether you’re a beginner looking to start your fitness journey or a seasoned athlete looking for a new challenge, a full body bootcamp workout is the perfect solution.

In this article, we will provide you with all the information you need to get started with a full body bootcamp and provide some tips and tricks to help you maximize your results.

What is a boot camp workout?

A boot camp workout is a high-intensity workout designed to provide a full body challenge. It typically involves a mix of strength training, cardio, and functional movements, such as jumping, running, and bodyweight exercises.

Boot camp workouts are usually performed in a group setting, with a trainer or instructor leading the group through a series of exercises.

The main goal of a boot camp workout is to push participants to their limits, challenging them physically and mentally. The high-intensity nature of the workout allows for maximum calorie burn and increased metabolism, leading to improved fitness and weight loss.

The boot camp concept was developed by military trainers. In the military, boot camp is a training program designed to prepare recruits for the rigors of military life. The workouts are typically intense and designed to build strength, endurance, and mental toughness.

Over time, the concept of the boot camp workout has been adapted for civilian use. Many personal trainers and fitness instructors now offer boot camp classes at gyms and fitness centers. These classes are designed to provide a challenging and effective workout for people of all fitness levels.

Benefits of a bootcamp workout

When performing a bootcamp workout, your heart rate increases significantly as you move from one exercise to another without rest. This helps to burn calories in less time than traditional workouts, resulting in improved cardiovascular health.

Additionally, bootcamp workouts incorporate exercises for the entire body, targeting all major muscle groups from head to toe. By engaging multiple muscles at once, it helps build lean muscle mass and increase strength throughout the body.

Furthermore, bootcamp workouts involve interval training which can help boost metabolism and further enhance fat-burning effects.

How long should a boot camp workout be?

A boot camp workout can vary in length, depending on the specific format and the goals of the workout. However, most boot camp workouts are designed to be short and intense, typically lasting 30-45 minutes.

The short duration of a boot camp workout is one of its key benefits. Because the workouts are intense and effective, participants can get a great workout in a relatively short amount of time.

This makes it easy to fit a boot camp workout into a busy schedule, and allows participants to get maximum results in a short amount of time.

Full body bootcamp workout

For those looking for an effective and efficient workout, a full body bootcamp routine is the perfect solution.

This high-intensity interval training (HIIT) routine consists of 10 exercises that are each performed for 60 seconds with 10 seconds of rest in between. The entire workout is then repeated three times over to give you maximum results in minimal time.

This bootcamp routine is designed to increase your heart rate and boost your metabolism while still giving you time to recover during the rest periods.

Not only will it help improve your cardiovascular endurance and overall strength, but it can also be tailored to fit any fitness level by increasing or decreasing the intensity of each exercise.

Plus, by doing the same set of exercises multiple times, you’ll build muscle memory so you can get even better results from future workouts!

Clapping Push Ups

Clapping push ups are an intense workout that can help build upper body strength, increase coordination and power, and boost your overall athleticism. If you’re looking for a challenging exercise that will give you a great workout and impressive results, clapping push ups should be your go-to move! 

This exercise is pretty straightforward: instead of just doing a traditional push up, you push off the ground with enough force to make both hands leave the ground. As you reach the peak of your push, clap your hands together before landing back down in the starting position and repeat.

It may sound simple, but these push ups are no joke! Clapping requires serious strength and explosive power to complete properly – so this move isn’t for beginners or those who aren’t physically fit.

Tuck Jump

Tuck jumps are a great way to get your heart rate up and make your lower body stronger. This plyometric jump exercise is a dynamic move that works the hips, glutes, calves, and core. One of the key elements of this move is making sure you are keeping an eye on your knees during each rep.

Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly and begin hopping up into the air. As you jump, pull your knees in towards your chest as high as possible while keeping them bent.

Try to keep your torso upright throughout the motion and make sure you land softly on the balls of both feet. This is one rep. Make sure that when you land, both feet touch the ground at the same time for maximum stability and safety.

Mountain Climber

Mountain climbers are a great full-body workout move that you can do almost anywhere. It’s perfect for anyone who wants to improve their strength and flexibility without the need for equipment.

This exercise works your core, arms, legs, and glutes all at once! By following these simple steps, you’ll be able to master the mountain climber in no time.

To perform a mountain climber properly, start in a plank position with your back straight and your hands planted firmly on the ground directly under your shoulders. Make sure you keep your knees off the ground throughout the exercise!

Now bring one knee towards your chest while keeping both hands on the ground. Make sure you don’t rotate or arch your back as this can cause strain or injury. Alternate between bringing each knee forward toward your chest for around 60 seconds.

Jump Rope

To start off your jump roping routine, try out the basic jump. It’s simple! All you have to do is stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold one end of the rope in each hand.

You then swing it up and over your head, hopping lightly off the ground as it passes under your feet. With practice, you’ll be able to time everything perfectly so that you never miss a beat! Once you’ve mastered the basic jump, there are plenty of variations you can try out too.

Split Jump

Split Jump is a plyometric exercise that involves jumping from one foot to the other while in the air. To start, stand with feet together and arms at your sides. When ready, hop onto one leg before quickly switching and landing on the opposite leg.

Start off by standing tall with feet hip width apart and arms at your sides. Take a big hop forward into a lunge position – both legs should be bent in 90 degree angles with one leg in front of the other – then quickly jump up and switch legs so the back leg is now in front.

As you make the switch midair, try to bring your knees up towards your chest for maximum height and power.


The ultimate exercise that every boot camp goer is famaliar with, the burpee, it is a great way to get a full body workout. This challenging exercise gets your heart rate up quickly, and combines a push-up with a jump for an effective cardio exercise.

To perform the basic burpee correctly, start by standing with feet shoulder-width apart and then lower your body into a squat position with your hands on the floor in front of you.

From there, kick both feet back so that you are in a push-up position. Do one regular push-up before quickly bringing your legs back under you and jumping up in the air as high as possible, that’s one rep!

Squat Jump

To do a proper squat jump, start in a standing position with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

Squat down by pushing your hips back and bending at the knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor – keep your chest up and look straight ahead as you do this.

Then explosively push off from the ground using both legs, jumping into the air as high as possible. When landing, bend at the knees and hips to absorb impact before returning to your starting position.

Single Leg Deadlift

Stand on one leg and raise the opposite foot off the floor behind you while keeping your back straight. If needed, hold onto a sturdy object to help maintain balance.

Then, reach forward with both hands as if you were doing a regular deadlift (without weights) and lower your torso until it’s parallel with the floor. Pause here for a second then explosively push off through your planted foot while swinging both arms up towards the sky.

Push Ups

Doing push ups correctly is key for getting the most out of this exercise. Start by laying down on the floor with your hands placed slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

Engage your core as you lift up into a plank position with legs together or hips-width apart depending on what’s comfortable for you. Keep your neck in line with your back as you bend at the elbows bringing your chest towards the ground then pushing back up into starting position.

Oblique Crunches

Oblique crunches are a great way to work the sides of your core, helping you develop stronger abdominal muscles. This exercise works the obliques muscles in your abdomen, located on the sides of your body.

To do an oblique crunch, begin by lying down on one side of your body and placing your feet together. Place one arm behind your head and use it for support, while keeping the other hand outstretched on the floor beside you.

Slowly curl up from this position towards the ceiling until you feel tension in your abdominals and then lower back down again.

When performing this move ensure that all movement is coming from the waist area rather than using momentum or jerking movements with other parts of your body.

After 30 seconds switch sides and repeat this process with the opposite side of your torso.


When your body is feeling fatigued after a full body bootcamp workout, it’s important to take the time to properly cool down and stretch. Static stretches are a great way to relax your muscles and prevent potential injury. A cooldown should be done at the end of each workout session for maximum benefit.

Static stretching involves holding each stretch for 20-30 seconds without bouncing or rocking. The purpose of static stretching is to lengthen the muscles, increase flexibility, reduce tension, and improve circulation within the muscle tissues.

When doing static stretches, focus on targeting all major muscle groups used during your full body bootcamp workout such as legs, arms, chest and back muscles.

Additionally, make sure you take deep breaths throughout each stretch in order to reduce any tension that has built up in your muscles from exercising.


Boosting your metabolism is a great way to improve your health and well-being. A full body bootcamp workout can help you achieve those goals in an efficient and effective manner.

This article has explored the many benefits of this type of workout and how it can help you reach your metabolic goals quickly.

The full body bootcamp workout combines strength, cardio, and restorative exercises to create a comprehensive exercise program that helps to boost metabolism.

The combination of these different exercises provides a total-body training plan that gives you improved overall fitness as well as increased energy levels and weight loss.

Additionally, the high-intensity nature of the workout encourages muscle building which further boosts metabolism by creating an active environment for calories to be burned off more efficiently throughout the day.