Boxing Supremacy

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Get In Amazing Shape With This Full Body Boxing Workout

If you are looking to get in amazing shape, then look no further than this full body boxing workout! Boxing is an excellent way to exercise your whole body, providing a fun and challenging way to stay in shape.

This workout will help you burn fat, build strength, and increase your agility. In addition to developing physical fitness, boxing has the added benefit of improving mental focus and confidence.

Whether you’re a beginner or a more experienced boxer, this workout can help you reach your fitness goals while having a blast in the process. Get ready to sweat as you strengthen each major muscle group with this powerful exercise regimen.

What are the benefits of full-body workouts?

Full-body workouts are a great way to get fit, build strength, and increase overall health. They involve working out all major muscle groups in the body, allowing for greater gains in physical fitness.

Not only do full-body workouts provide an efficient workout, but they’re also incredibly versatile and can be tailored to suit any fitness level. From beginners to advanced athletes, anyone can benefit from a full-body workout routine.

Burn Calories

Full-body workouts are a great way to burn calories and get your body into shape. When you exercise, your body releases energy-producing molecules called mitochondria that create adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

ATP is the fuel that powers your muscles to give you more energy and endurance during workouts.

Full-body exercises involve multiple muscle groups at once, which helps maximize calorie burning. With full-body workouts, you can target all of the major muscle groups in one session.

This includes muscles in the legs, arms, chest, abdominals, back, and core. Exercises like squats or pushups can help tone these areas while also burning calories quickly. 

Increased Testosterone 

Testosterone is the hormone responsible for muscle growth, libido, bone health, and overall well being. Studies have shown that doing so increases testosterone levels in the body more than isolated body part workouts do.

This is because when larger muscles groups are targeted together, like the chest and back or legs and core. There is increased stress on the endocrine system which causes it to release higher amounts of anabolic hormones like testosterone into the body.

Better Recovery

Full body workouts are becoming increasingly popular in the fitness world. Not only are full body workouts a great way to build strength and muscle, but they can also help with better recovery.

When it comes to physical activity, rest is just as important as exercise. Full body workouts provide an opportunity for your muscles and joints to engage in functional movements while still getting enough of a break from intense cardio or lifting sessions.

A full body workout also reduces the stress on any particular muscle group, allowing them more time to recover between workout days. Additionally, full-body circuits can be easily modified depending on your level of experience and willingness to push yourself further each time you work out.

Less Body Fat

Recent studies suggest that regular exercise is an effective way to reduce body fat mass, particularly visceral fat. A review of several studies reveals that the combination of aerobic and strength training is especially helpful in decreasing body fat mass.

Additionally, diet plays an important role in reducing body fat mass; healthy eating habits can maximize the impact of full-body workouts on decreasing body fat.

Workout Anywhere

Full-body workouts can be done anywhere and are a great way to stay in shape and increase strength.

If you don’t have access to a gym, there are plenty of full-body exercises that can be done at home or in the park.

With no equipment needed, these workouts can easily fit into any busy schedule.

How is boxing a full-body workout?

Boxing is a type of exercise that requires you to use your whole body in order to be successful. Not only does boxing work out your arms and legs, but it also helps strengthen your core muscles and improve balance.

When you engage in a boxing workout, you’re not only building strength with each punch but are also working on agility and coordination. Your feet have to move quickly as you dodge punches from the opponent or aim for their target zone.

Boxing also requires mental focus and concentration which can help with stress relief and build endurance over time. Additionally, the aerobic activity associated with boxing helps improve cardiovascular health while burning calories at the same time!

How long should a full-body workout be?

The amount of time you spend on your full-body workout depends on a variety of factors including your current fitness level, goals and available time. For beginners, it’s best to start with shorter workouts and gradually build up the duration as you become more comfortable with the exercises.

A good rule of thumb is to aim for around 30 minutes initially then build up from there. If you’re an experienced fitness enthusiast looking for a longer workout time, aim for 45 minutes or more if possible.

This allows adequate rest periods between sets as well as enough time to warmup and cool down effectively before and after your session.

The Full Body Boxing Workout

This is a full-body bodyweight workout, the only equipment needed is a jump rope and a pull-up bar, so it is designed perfectly to accommodate all individuals.

This workout is split into 4 groups: cardio, power, upper, and lower body strength, all exercises should be performed in that order to target all fitness components. Each exercise is either time-based or repetition based with a specific time of rest which should be done at the end of each set.

Researchers have discovered that doing cardio before strength exercises can be very beneficial, which is why we put cardio first instead of last. And lastly, the workout can be performed at home, or anywhere with adequate space except the running exercise which should be done on a treadmill or outside.

Warm Up

If you want to get into amazing shape, boxing is a great option for full-body workouts. But before you start any workout routine, it’s important to do some warming-up exercises first.

Warming up helps reduce any potential injury from intense physical activity and gets your muscles ready for your workout routine. Here are a couple of warm-up exercises that help get your body ready for this full-body boxing workout!

These dynamic exercises will help loosen muscles and increase blood flow in preparation for the upcoming physical activity

  • Neck Circles
  • Arm Circles
  • Standing Hip Circles
  • Torso Twist
  • Walking Lunges
  • Leg Swings
  • Heel-to-Rear Jog
  • Walking Knee to Chest
  • Lunge Walk with Twist



Distance: 3 miles Speed: Moderate Rest: 3 minutes

To begin, it’s important that you have the right gear for your runs. Make sure that your shoes fit comfortably and support your feet throughout the duration of the run.

Additionally, hydrate before, during, and after each run so that you don’t become dehydrated or overheat during your workout.

Before starting off on any running route, do some light stretching so that your legs are prepared for any potential strain from running long distances.

Jump Rope

Time: 3 minutes Rest: 1 minute

To do a basic jump, start by placing the center of the rope behind your feet. Make sure you have enough space on either side of your body for the rope to pass over your head when you jump.

Then take both handles in each hand, slightly bend at your knees and ankles as if doing small jumps on the spot, then swing the rope over your head forward this creates momentum for the rotation of the rope around you. And then jump when the rope approaches near your feet.


Time: 3 minutes Rest: 1 minute

Shadowboxing involves mimicking a boxing match without the use of any equipment or partner, can help to increase strength, agility, and coordination while burning calories. It’s also a great way to improve punching power and accuracy; all you need is yourself!

You’ll start off in your preferred boxing stance (orthodox or southpaw) and then proceed to throw every punch, stating with jabs, hooks, crosses and uppercut punches. Mix it up by throwing different punching combinations to intensify the workout until the completion of the exercise.


Clapping Push Up

Reps: 5 Sets: 5 Rest: 30 seconds

Push-up claps are a great exercise to add to your whole body workout. This unique move is an excellent way to challenge yourself and take your workout to the next level. Not only do Push up Claps target the major muscle groups of your chest and arms.

To do this move, begin in a push-up position with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Lower your body until you almost touch the floor then quickly press up and clap both hands together at the top of each rep before returning back down again for one complete repetition.

Make sure that you keep proper form throughout as this exercise can be quite challenging when done correctly!

Squat Jumps

Reps: 5 Sets: 5 Rest: 30 seconds

Squat Jumps are a high-intensity exercise that will get your heart rate up, this explosive movement requires you to jump from a squatting position, using the power of your legs to propel yourself into the air. Squat Jumps are a great way to add intensity and challenge to any workout.

To do a Squat Jump, start in an athletic stance with your feet hip-width apart, chest up and back straight. Keep your core tight as you lower yourself down into a deep squat, making sure your knees stay behind or in line with your toes.

From this position explode upward, jumping as high as possible off both feet before landing softly back into the starting position. Make sure to keep good form throughout the entire movement by engaging all of the muscles in your lower body and keeping your core tight.


Time: 30 seconds Sets: 5 Rest: 1 minute

Burpees is arguably one the best full-body workout exercises you can do it targets your upper and lower body intensely.

To do a basic burpee, start by standing tall with your feet shoulder-width apart, then lower your body into a squat position before jumping back into a push-up position.

Push up while bringing one leg forward at a time until you reach the starting point again. Repeat this series of movements several times for an effective full-body workout that will help you build strength, endurance, and balance.

Upper Body Strength

Hands Overhead Crunches

Reps: 20 Sets: 5 Rest: 30 seconds

If you’re looking to strengthen your core, hands overhead crunches are an excellent exercise that can help you achieve that.

To perform this move correctly, start by lying flat on your back with your legs bent and feet flat on the floor. Then raise both of your arms above you and lower them until they are parallel to the ground (or as close to it as possible).

Make sure that during this part of the exercise you maintain control over how far up you reach with each arm. Once in position, crunch up slowly and exhale throughout the motion – focusing on engaging all of those core muscles along the way.


Time: 1-minute Sets: 5 Rest: 30 seconds

Plank is an exercise that strengthens the core muscles and helps to improve posture. It’s an essential part of any full body workout, especially boxing, as it helps to develop balance and stability.

To do a proper plank you need to start in a push-up position with your hands and elbows on the ground directly under your shoulders and feet together while keeping your back flat.

Once you have mastered the basic plank form, there are lots of variations that can be done including reverse planks, side planks, single leg planks and walking planks. Each variation targets different muscle groups so it’s important to mix them up as you progress with each workout session.

Bicycle Crunch

Reps: 20 Sets: 5 Rest: 30 seconds

Start by lying on your back with your hands behind your head. Bring one knee towards your chest while bringing the opposite elbow towards that same knee.

Then switch sides so that you’re alternating elbows and knees as you move them closer together. As you crunch up be sure to engage both legs at all times – this will help further isolate the core muscles!

Push Ups

Reps: 20 Sets: 5 Rest: 30 seconds

To do a proper push up, start by positioning yourself flat on the floor with your arms slightly wider than shoulder width apart and your feet together. Keeping your body straight, lower yourself down until your chest nearly touches the floor.

Push yourself back up to the starting position by using your arms to drive you up and forward. Repeat until you’ve completed the amount of reps required.

Pull Ups

Reps: 5 Sets: 5 Rest: 30 seconds

Pull-ups are an incredible full upper body workout because it works your back, biceps, and forearms. To perform pull-ups correctly, start with a shoulder-width grip around the bar. Then inhale deeply as you pull yourself up towards the bar until your chin is above it. As you exhale, lower your entire body slowly back down to the starting position.

Make sure to keep your elbows close to your body throughout the entire movement and focus on using your lats (the muscles located at the sides of your mid-back) instead of just relying on arm strength alone.

Lower Body Strength


Reps: 5 Sets: 5 Rest: 30 seconds

Squatting is essential for any type of athletic training because it strengthens your legs and core while also improving balance and coordination.

Begin by proper standing position with your feet hip-width apart and toes pointing slightly outward. Your arms should be outstretched with palms facing forward either at shoulder level or slightly higher, depending on your preference.

From here, slowly lower yourself as if sitting in a chair until your hips are just below parallel with the floor; keep your spine neutral throughout the movement so that your back stays flat and your chest remains upright.

Split Squats

Reps: 5 Sets: 5 Rest: 30 seconds

Starting in a standing position with feet shoulder-width apart, take a large step back with one leg while bending both knees until the back knee nearly touches the ground.

Keep your torso upright throughout the movement as you drive through both heels to stand back up again. Make sure that your front knee does not move forward past your toes and repeat on the other side after completing a set.

Isometric Squats

Time: 1-minute Sets: 5 Rest: 30 seconds

An isometric squat is an exercise in which you have to get in a squat position for a period of time, you can target specific muscles and push yourself further than ever before.

Start by standing with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, toes pointed outward and knees slightly bent. From here, lower down as if you are sitting back into a chair, keeping your chest lifted and core engaged at all times.

Single-Leg Glute Bridge

Reps: 5 Sets: 5 Rest: 30 seconds

Begin by lying on your back with both legs bent and feet flat on the ground. Next, lift one leg off the floor while keeping your other foot firmly planted in place.

Push through your heel to raise your hips up towards the ceiling until you form a straight line from shoulders to knees then hold for three seconds before lowering down again. Repeat this motion 5 times for each leg.

Single Leg Calf Raises

Reps: 5 Sets: 5 Rest: 30 seconds

Single-leg calf raises are one of the best exercises for toning and strengthening the calves. This move can be used as part of a full-body boxing workout to help tone your lower legs strength. To do this exercise correctly, you need to stand with your feet hip-width apart on a flat surface.

Keep your left foot bent off the ground and slowly raise your right foot off the ground by pushing through your heel. Slowly lower yourself down using only the strength in your right calf muscle until you feel a gentle stretch in that area.

Make sure to keep your core engaged throughout the entire move so that you don’t lose balance or strain other muscles in the process. Repeat with the other leg after you have completed all sets.


Time: 5 minutes

Cooldown Exercises:

  • Neck stretch
  • Side Reach
  • Shoulder Stretch
  • Chest Stretch
  • Tricep Stretch
  • Abdominal Stretch
  • Kneeling Backward Abdominal Stretch
  • Standing Quad Stretch
  • Hamstring Stretch
  • Twisting Lunge
  • Groin Stretch
  • Seated Forward Bend
  • Standing Calf Stretch

In today’s world of fitness, it is important to have a full-body stretching routine as part of your regular cooldown exercises. Cooldown exercises are done at the end of a workout and are designed to help relax muscles and improve flexibility.

Not only do cooldown exercises reduce muscle tension, but they can also reduce the risk of injury when doing strenuous activities. Cool-down exercises typically involve light stretching or walking in order to gradually lower your heart rate and body temperature.

However, in order for the cooldown exercise to be effective, it must be done properly with correct form and executed for an adequate amount of time.

Following your workout with a full body stretching routine helps to restore balance between opposing muscle groups and increases range of motion which is essential for improved performance in any activity.

Taking a few minutes after each workout for cooldown exercises is an important step that should not be skipped!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of boxing exercises?

Boxing is a great workout that has a range of physical and mental health benefits. An intense exercise regimen, boxing works the arms, legs, back and core muscles. It also improves coordination and reflexes while burning calories and releasing endorphins that make us feel good.

Boxing can be an effective way to lose weight or simply maintain fitness levels as it elevates heart rate for up to an hour. It is a full-body strength workout as it is known to improve strength, flexibility, balance and agility throughout your body.

Boxing helps reduce stress levels by giving you a safe space to work out aggression in a controlled environment. This makes it a great choice for those looking for emotional release or wanting to relieve anxiety.

In addition to the physical benefits of boxing exercises, participants learn important life skills such as self-defense tactics, improved focus and concentration while increasing their self-confidence in social situations.

What upper body exercises can I do to improve my boxing?

Upper-body punches require strength and power, so incorporating compound movements like push-ups and pull-ups into your routine is beneficial. For more specialized results, add in shoulder presses with dumbbells or cable machines to increase endurance in your shoulders and arms.

When it comes to boxing-specific workouts, try doing plyometric exercises such as medicine ball throws or alternating punch drills with resistance bands to build up the muscles needed for powerful punches.

To ensure proper form while performing these exercises make sure you’re keeping correct posture; this will help activate multiple muscle groups at once which ultimately maximizes results while preventing injury.

What are good workouts to build my legs for boxing?

For any boxer, having strong and developed legs is essential for success in the ring. Building leg strength provides a solid foundation for other exercises and movements needed to succeed in boxing. To build your leg muscles there are several key exercises that you should focus on.

Squats are a great way to get started with strengthening your legs; by keeping your back straight you can use the full weight of your body to work out those important leg muscles. Deadlifts are also a great exercise for targeting the glutes, hamstrings, and quads all at once as they involve moving heavy weights from the ground upwards.

Plyometrics such as box jumps or squat jumps are good exercises if you want to increase explosive power in your legs; these exercises involve jumping explosively with maximum effort and will help improve power production when throwing punches or kicks during a match.

How does boxing exercise your core?

Boxing is a form of exercise that not only works your arms and legs, but also your core. It’s an intense workout that can help increase strength and overall fitness. Your core is the stabilizing muscle group in your abdomen and back, so it’s important to target this area when exercising.

Boxing provides a great opportunity to do just that! When you twist and turn, depending on the type of punch you’re throwing, you can activate those hard-to-reach muscles deep down in your core. Using proper technique will ensure that these muscles get the most benefit from each punch thrown.

Should I lift weights for boxing?

If you are serious about your boxing career, the answer to “should I lift weights for boxing?” should always be yes! Weight training for boxers is essential for building strength and power. It also helps boxers with footwork and agility, which can provide an edge in the ring.

Weight lifting can help a boxer become more powerful and explosive by improving their muscular endurance and strength as well as their overall fitness. This type of weight training also helps to reduce injury risk by strengthening muscles that may have been weakened or fatigued during intense boxing sessions.

Additionally, weight lifting when targeting the abdominal muscles will help improve core strength which can translate into better balance and footwork in the ring.

How long will it take me to get toned while boxing?

Boxing is a great way to get toned, but how long it takes to see results depends on multiple factors. To get the best and quickest results, you should aim for three boxing sessions per week that last at least 1 hour.

Each session should include a variety of exercises such as skipping, shadowboxing, bag work and mitts to help with strength, endurance and agility. It’s important to remember that diet plays an equally important role in achieving your goals.

Eating nutritious foods such as lean proteins, fruits & vegetables and whole grains will help provide your body with the energy needed for intense workouts. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is also essential for hydration and recovery after each session.

How does shadowboxing provide a good workout?

Shadowboxing is a fantastic workout that can help to improve strength and agility, while also burning calories. It’s an exercise that requires coordination and agility as it works both your hands and eyes simultaneously, making it a great way to sharpen reflexes. Unlike most strenuous exercises, shadowboxing is relatively low impact yet still provides an effective workout for the whole body.

All without putting too much strain on your joints or muscles. This type of exercise can be done almost anywhere and requires minimal equipment, making it a great option for those looking to stay in shape without having access to the gym or specialized equipment.

Is boxing a good workout to burn fat and tone?

The physical demands of boxing make it one of the best workouts for fat-burning and toning since you work all major muscle groups throughout your body during each session. Boxing burns calories while toning muscles through powerful punches, jabs and kicks that target key areas such as arms, legs, core and back.

The combination of aerobic exercise (cardio) with resistance training (strength) helps boost metabolism which aids in burning fat more quickly than traditional cardio exercises alone. Plus, boxing involves some light weight training too – increased muscle mass means higher metabolic rate and quicker fat loss!