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How To Throw A Jab In Boxing

The jab is one of the most important punches in boxing, and it can be used to set up a number of different punches. It’s also very effective at stopping an opponent from throwing their own power shots or combinations.

What is a jab in boxing?

In the sport of boxing, A jab is a boxing punch thrown with the lead hand from the guard position and it is one of the most important punches that a fighter can throw. It is a quick, straight punch that is used to keep an opponent at bay, as well as to set up other punches.

In order to be effective, a jab must be thrown with speed and accuracy. A good jabbing technique can be the key to victory in a boxing match.

Why is the jab so important in boxing?

In boxing, the jab is one of the most important punches. It’s a basic move, but it’s also one of the most effective. Here’s why the jab is so important:

  • The jab is a good way to keep your opponent at bay. If you can keep them from getting close, you’ll be in a better position to land other punches.
  • The jab is also a good way to set up other punches. If you can land a good jab, your opponent will be more likely to fall for your other moves.
  • The jab is a powerful punch in its own right. It might not knock your opponent down, but it can definitely slow them down and throw off their timing.

What are the types of jabs in boxing?

In boxing, there are various types of jabs. There are five main types of jabs: basic jab, pivot jab, double jab, power jab, and step jab.

Basic Jab

A basic jab is a basic punch that is thrown with the lead hand. It is a quick and powerful punch that is used to disrupt an opponent’s rhythm and to set up other punches. The jab can be used as either a defensive or offensive weapon.

How to throw a basic jab?

  1. To throw a basic jab, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart
  2. Hold your fists up by your face, with your lead hand slightly in front of your other hand.
  3. Keep your back straight and your head down.
  4. And quickly extend your lead hand forward and snap your fist back to its original position.

Pivot Jab

The pivot jab is a boxing technique that is used to keep an opponent guessing and off-balance. It is a quick, short jab that is delivered while the fighter is pivoting on one foot. When you throw a pivot jab, you are using your back foot to turn your body and generate power for your punch. This is a great punch to use when you are up against an opponent who is taller than you, as it will help you get inside their range.

How to throw a pivot jab?

  1. To throw a pivot jab, start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Shift your weight to your back foot and turn your hips and shoulders towards your opponent.
  3. With your back foot shift to the right if your boxing stance is orthodox or to the left if you’re a southpaw.
  4. Then extend your arm and jab at your opponent’s face or body. Use your forward momentum to generate power for the punch.

Power Jab

A jab is a quick, straight punch thrown with the lead hand from the guard position. A power jab is a jab that is thrown with more force than a standard jab in order to cause more damage to the opponent. The power jab is a great punch to use when you want to keep your opponent at a distance.

How to throw a power jab?

  1. Begin in your preferred boxing stance position, with your feet hip-width apart and your hands up in front of your face.
  2. Keep your chin down and your eyes focused on your opponent.
  3. Step forward with your lead foot and thrust your arm forward, locking your elbow as you do so. Make sure you extend your arm fully and snap your wrist at the end of the punch for maximum power.

Double Jab

A double jab is two jabs in quick succession. This is a useful punch to use when your opponent is coming at you, as it will slow them down and give you time to plan your next move. It’s also a good way to keep your opponent on the defensive.

How to throw a double jab?

  1. To throw a double jab, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Hold your fists up by your face, with your lead hand slightly in front of your other hand.
  3. Keep your back straight and your head down.
  4. And quickly extend your lead hand forward, bring your hand almost back and extend your lead hand once more.

Step Jab

A step jab is a great way to keep your opponent guessing and set up bigger punches. It is a quick, straight punch that is thrown by stepping forward with your lead foot.

How to throw a step jab?

  1. To throw a step jab, start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Keep your fist close to your chin and tuck your elbow in close to your body.
  3. Step forward with your lead foot and quickly throw a straight punch with your lead hand. Extend your arm fully and snap your wrist to generate power.

Should you fully extend your arm in a jab?

If you want to be effective, extending your arm fully allows you to generate more power behind the punch, which will make it harder for your opponent to block or avoid. Additionally, extending your arm will help you keep your distance from your opponent, making it more difficult for them to land a hit.

What hand do you jab with in boxing?

The answer depends on what your boxing stance is. The jab is thrown with the lead hand which is the hand that is in front of you, if you use the orthodox stance then the left hand is the lead hand used to throw a jab, and vice versa for the southpaw boxing stance the right hand is the lead hand used to throw a jab.

How do you practice a jab?

There are a few different ways to practice your jab. One way is to use a heavy bag. Stand about two feet away from the bag and throw quick, straight punches. You can also practice your jab by shadowboxing. Move around and mimic the movement of an opponent, throwing quick jabs at imaginary targets.


Throwing a jab in boxing is an important skill to have. By following the steps described in this article, you can learn how to throw a jab and use it to your advantage in a fight. Be sure to practice regularly and you will be able to use this powerful punch to dominate your opponents.