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Mike Tyson Calisthenics Workout: Train Like A Boxing Legend

Mike Tyson, also known as the “Baddest Man on the Planet,” is a name that resonates with boxing fans all around the world. The former heavyweight champion has been an inspiration to many aspiring boxers and fitness enthusiasts alike for his incredible physique and explosive power.

One of the secrets behind Tyson’s success is his calisthenics workout routine that he used to strengthen his muscles and build stamina.

In this article, we will delve into Mike Tyson’s calisthenics workout routine and show you how to train like a boxing legend using bodyweight exercises. From push-ups to squats, we will break down each exercise in detail and explain how it can help you achieve your fitness goals.

What Is A Calisthenics Workout?

Calisthenics is a form of strength training that primarily uses bodyweight exercises to build muscle and increase endurance. It involves performing various movements such as push-ups, squats, lunges, dips, and pull-ups in a rhythmic manner.

There are many benefits to calisthenics workouts including increased flexibility, improved balance and coordination, enhanced cardiovascular health and muscle tone.

Calisthenics workouts offer an effective way to improve overall fitness without requiring any expensive equipment or gym memberships. With discipline and consistency in training like Mike Tyson did with his calisthenics routine out there anyone can achieve their desired level of physical fitness through this type of workout regimen.

What Does Calisthenics Do To Your Body?

Calisthenics is a form of bodyweight training that involves using your own body weight as resistance to build strength, endurance, and flexibility. This type of training can have significant effects on the body, both physically and mentally.

Scientifically speaking, calisthenics can increase muscle mass and bone density while also improving cardiovascular health. As you perform exercises like push-ups, squats, and pull-ups, your muscles adapt to the stress by increasing in size and strength. Additionally, these types of exercises put pressure on your bones which stimulates them to become denser over time.

In terms of mental benefits, calisthenics can boost self-confidence and improve overall mood. The sense of accomplishment that comes with mastering a difficult exercise or achieving a fitness goal can lead to increased self-esteem.

Plus, exercising releases endorphins which are natural mood-boosters. When you incorporate calisthenics into your workout routine can have numerous positive effects on both your physical health and mental well-being.

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Mike Tyson Calisthenics Routine

Iron Mike Tyson’s calisthenics routine was a crucial part of his boxing training regimen. He trained six days a week, with each workout being incredibly demanding and intense. His workouts were designed to improve his strength, agility, and endurance.

Mike’s calisthenics exercises included push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups and squats. He would perform an incredible number of high reps for each exercise to build his muscular endurance, strength and stamina.

Mike Tyson’s calisthenics routine played a significant role in shaping him into one of the most dominant boxers in history. His dedication to this brutal regime allowed him to build the physical strength needed to compete at the highest level of the sport.

Sit Ups

sit ups

Mike Tyson’s calisthenics routine was legendary in the boxing world, and one of his go-to exercises was sit-ups. He would reportedly do 2000 sit-ups per day, incorporating three variations into his routine.

The first variation he used was the traditional sit-up, which primarily targets the rectus abdominis muscle – the “six-pack” muscle that runs down the front of your torso. This muscle is responsible for flexing your spine forward.

The second variation Tyson used was the decline sit ups, which targets the rectus abdominis and the obliques (muscles on your sides) more than the regular sit-up. The last variation Tyson used was called roman chair sit ups, which target the abdominis muscle and the hip flexor muscles.

Ab exercises are crucial for boxers because they provide stability and balance during punches and defensive maneuvers. A strong core helps generate more power behind punches by transferring energy from your lower body to your upper body through rotation.

In addition to providing a solid base for punching movements, strong abs also helped Tyson maintain proper form while using the peekaboo style techniques that involve ducking and weaving around their opponents’ punches.



Squats are one of the most effective exercises for building lower body strength and explosiveness. This compound movement targets multiple muscle groups including the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves.

The rep range for squats can vary depending on your fitness level and training goals. For beginners, it’s recommended to start with 8-12 reps per set while advanced athletes can do up to 20 reps or more.

Mike Tyson did 2000 squats per day as part of his calisthenics workout routine. This intense regimen helped him build powerful legs that were essential for his explosive punching style in the ring.

Doing some form of squatting exercise into your boxing training can lead to significant improvements in overall lower body strength and mobility which translates into better performance inside the ring or even outside of it!

In boxing, having strong legs is essential for generating power in punches and footwork. When throwing a punch, you’re not just using your arm muscles but also engaging your lower body muscles to transfer force from the ground up. Air squats are a great exercise to improve leg strength without any equipment needed.

To perform air squats correctly, stand with feet shoulder-width apart and push your hips back as if sitting down into an imaginary chair until your thighs are parallel to the ground then return to standing position.

Push Ups

push ups

Push-ups are an essential exercise for building upper body strength, especially for boxers. Mike Tyson is known to have done 500 push-ups per day as part of his calisthenics workout routine. Push-ups primarily target the chest muscles, but they also work the triceps, shoulders, and core.

The chest muscles play a crucial role in boxing as they are responsible for generating punching power and stability during punches. A strong chest allows boxers to deliver powerful blows with more force and speed.

Adding push-ups into a training routine can increase overall upper body strength, endurance, and power. Boxers who regularly perform push-ups can improve their punching technique and generate more force behind their punches.

With proper form and consistency, push-ups can be an effective exercise in building functional strength for boxers looking to take their skills to the next level like Mike Tyson did in his prime years.

Bench Dips


Bench dips are a powerful workout that can target muscles in the arms, chest, and shoulders. As the Mike Tyson training regime proved, incorporating this exercise into your routine can help build upper body strength and tone key muscles for boxing. Specifically, bench dips work the triceps brachii muscle group which is essential for punching power.

The triceps brachii is responsible for extending the elbow joint and assists in stabilizing the shoulder joint during punching movements. Building up this muscle group with bench dips can help boxers throw stronger punches with greater speed and accuracy.

In addition to targeting the triceps, bench dips also engage other supporting muscles like the pectoralis major (chest) and anterior deltoids (shoulders).

By doing 500 bench dips per day as part of his calisthenics workout routine, Mike Tyson was able to develop incredible upper body strength that helped him become a boxing champion.

Incorporating this exercise into your own training regime could be a great way to achieve similar results – just be sure to start slowly and gradually increase reps over time!

Neck Bridges


Neck bridges are a popular exercise among boxers and other athletes who value neck strength. Mike Tyson famously did these exercises for 10 minutes per day as part of his calisthenics routine. The reason why neck muscles are so important in boxing is because they help absorb the impact of punches and protect the brain from injury.

In addition to their protective function, strong neck muscles also improve overall athleticism. They support good posture, which can prevent injuries to the back and shoulders. Neck bridges specifically target the deep stabilizing muscles of the neck, which can improve balance and agility in all types of physical activity.

It’s worth noting that neck bridges should be approached with caution, especially for beginners or those with a history of neck problems. It’s important to start slowly and work up gradually to avoid strain or injury. But for those who can handle it, adding regular neck exercises like bridges into your workout routine could have significant benefits both inside and outside the ring.

The dangers of neck bridges

One of the boxing exercises that was heavily part of Mike Tyson’s workout routine is neck bridges. While it may seem like a great exercise to strengthen your neck muscles, it can also be very dangerous.

The main reason for this is that neck bridges put a lot of pressure on your cervical spine (the upper part of your spine), which can lead to injury.

The danger of neck bridges lies in the fact that the cervical spine is not designed to support large amounts of weight. When you perform a neck bridge, you are essentially placing your entire bodyweight on this area, which can cause serious damage over time. In addition, if you do not perform the exercise correctly, you can easily strain or pull a muscle in your neck.

For these reasons, we do not recommend fighters or anyone else to do neck bridges as part of their workout routine. Instead, there are other exercises that can be just as effective for strengthening your neck muscles without putting unnecessary strain on this sensitive area.

It’s important to remember that while Mike Tyson may have been able to handle this exercise safely due to his years of experience and training, it may not be safe or appropriate for everyone.

“I had surgery on my neck, you know why? Remember I used to do those rolls on my head, they destroyed me. I would do them for three minutes then stop a minute, do it three minutes, so I do it for five to six minutes or eight rounds. And as time went on, it just beat me up.”


RELATED: Mike Tyson Neck Workout: The Astonishing Ruthless Routine



Ballistic stretching is a type of stretching that involves bouncing or quick movements to increase flexibility and range of motion. This type of stretching is important for athletes like boxers who need explosive movements in their sport. Ballistic stretching helps improve muscle elasticity, which allows the muscles to stretch further and contract more quickly.

During his legendary career, Mike Tyson was known for his intense boxing workout. His training included a variety of stretches, such as seated spread eagle and a partner hamstring stretch which is a ballistic stretch that targets the inner thighs and hip flexors.

To perform this the spread eagle, one sits on the ground with their legs straight out in front of them, then spreads their legs apart as far as possible while reaching forward with their hands towards their toes. The bounce at the bottom helps to increase flexibility by gently forcing the muscles to extend beyond their normal range of motion.

Incorporating ballistic stretches like seated spread e into your workout routine can help improve your athletic performance by increasing your overall flexibility and range of motion. However, it’s important to note that ballistic stretching should be done carefully and gradually to avoid injury or overstretching the muscles.

Mike Tyson Calisthenics Prison Workout

Mike Tyson’s calisthenics prison workout is one of the most talked-about fitness regimens in boxing history. During his three-year incarceration, Tyson dedicated himself to an intense exercise routine that helped him achieve a physique that was more muscular and ripped than ever before.

The former heavyweight champion credits his time behind bars for transforming him into a better fighter, both mentally and physically.

One particularly challenging aspect of Mike Tyson calisthenics training was his bodyweight squat routine. This involved using a deck of cards to determine how many repetitions he needed to do for each set.

Each card represented a different number, an example of how to use this exercise routine is to perform 5 bodyweight squats if the 5 of Hearts is drawn, or 14 prisoner squats if the Ace of Clubs is drawn. Continue drawing cards and completing the corresponding exercises and repetitions until all cards in the deck have been used.

This type of strength training is not only physically demanding but also mentally challenging as it requires focus and discipline to complete the entire deck. It’s an excellent way to improve both strength and endurance while also providing a cardiovascular workout that helps burn fat.

Incorporating this type of bodyweight squat routine into your own training regimen can help you achieve similar results as one of boxing’s greatest legends – Mike Tyson.

The Mike Tyson workout routine has become legendary in the fitness world for its simplicity yet effectiveness in building a strong and lean physique. It serves as inspiration for those who want to train like one of the best heavyweight boxers without using fancy gym equipment or expensive supplements.

With dedication and hard work, anyone can achieve similar results just like Mike Tyson did during his time in prison.

Why Did Mike Tyson Train Like This?

Mike Tyson’s calisthenics workout routine was extremely intensity but highly effective. This training method was created by his trainer, Cus D’amato, who believed that calisthenics would help Tyson develop the strength and endurance required to become a successful boxer. During his training camp, Tyson would perform various exercises for all aspects of fitness and boxing.

One of the reasons he trained like this is because calisthenics allows you to use your own body weight as resistance rather than relying on weights or machines. This makes it an excellent form of exercise for building functional strength and improving overall fitness levels. Additionally, calisthenics can be done almost anywhere with little to no equipment required.

Despite its simplicity, Mike Tysons calisthenics workout was incredibly effective in preparing him for his fights. It helped him build explosive power in his punches while improving his agility and footwork in the ring. Today, many boxers still use variations of Tyson’s workout routine as part of their training regimen due to its proven track record for success.

Why Is Protein Important After A Workout?

Protein is an essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in muscle building and recovery. After a workout, your muscles are in a state of breakdown and need to be repaired to grow stronger. This is where high protein comes into play as it helps repair muscle tissue damage caused during the workout session.

Mike Tyson, being a professional boxer, followed a routine diet plan that included lots of high protein foods such as lean meats like chicken and fish, eggs, nuts, and legumes. He knew the importance of protein intake after every intense workout session as it helped him recover faster and maintain his muscular physique.

It is recommended to consume 20-30 grams of high-quality protein within 30 minutes after exercise to maximize muscle synthesis and aid in recovery. So if you are looking to build or maintain your muscle mass like Mike Tyson did during his prime days, make sure you include enough high-quality protein in your post-workout meal or snack.


If you want to train like Mike Tyson, it requires a dedicated workout plan that involves intense calisthenics. While it may seem daunting to some, the results speak for themselves. The combination of bodyweight exercises and high-intensity intervals not only builds strength and endurance but also improves overall athleticism.

It is important to note that consistency is key when following this kind of workout routine. It takes time and effort to achieve the level of fitness that Mike Tyson had during his fighting career. However, with dedication and perseverance, anyone can achieve their fitness goals.

Overall, incorporating elements from Mike Tyson’s calisthenics workouts into your own routine can lead to significant improvements in physical health and well-being. So don’t be afraid to try it out and see what kind of results you can achieve!


Does Mike Tyson Own A Gym?

Mike Tyson is the owner of a gym known as the Mike Tyson Academy, which was established in 2018. The academy has expanded its reach by opening several branches in different parts of the world. It provides fitness enthusiasts with an opportunity to receive training and education from the renowned boxer.

How Many Push-ups Did Mike Tyson Do A Day?

Tyson did 500 push-ups daily as part of his calisthenics workout, push-ups are an effective exercise for building upper body strength, particularly in the chest, triceps, and shoulders.

Doing 500 push-ups a day may seem daunting, but it was just a small part of Tyson’s intense training regimen. He also incorporated other calisthenics exercises like sit-ups, squats and pull-ups to build total body strength and endurance.

How Many Squats Did Tyson Do?

Mike Tyson’s lower body strength and explosive power were largely attributed to his intense squat routine, which consisted of an impressive 2000 reps per day. His dedication to fitness and strength allowed him to achieve remarkable levels of physical conditioning throughout his boxing career.

The benefits of doing so many squats are numerous. For one thing, it helps to build incredible leg strength and endurance, which is crucial for boxers who need to be able to move quickly around the ring. It also helps with overall fitness levels and can contribute to weight loss if done consistently over time.

Is Calisthenics As Effective As Weight Lifting?

Calisthenics is a great way to build strength and muscle mass, but it may not be as effective as weight lifting. While calisthenics can help you improve your endurance and flexibility, weight lifting is more efficient when it comes to building muscle size and strength.

This is because weight lifting provides more resistance than bodyweight exercises, which allows you to gradually increase the load on your muscles over time.

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